Life purpose has been a topic of much discussion. While I agree we may not have ONE single holy grail purpose that remains static for our whole life, I do firmly believe astrology can give us some good clues if we are feeling a little lost and looking to find purpose and direction in our current life.
Can you cast your mind back to a memory from your childhood when you had clear purpose in one particular moment? Perhaps it was collecting tadpoles from the local creek, building an elaborate cubby house or passionately painting a picture? In that moment when nothing else mattered, it’s undeniable that we had true purpose. And often our childhood will leave clues for us to follow later in life. What first comes to mind if you think back to what you loved most?
Our astrological Moon sign will indicate what has come most naturally for us since we were children and where we are most comfortable that may be a starting point for gathering some clues. (For example, as a Gemini moon I have always loved reading, writing and communicating in all forms, which as a child meant I had a long list of pen friends from all over the world, and turned into more of a social media addiction in my adult life!)
Perhaps it’s useful to firstly define ‘life purpose’ as a more flexible concept that will adapt and evolve as we do, depending on which life cycle we’re currently in. The tadpole will necessarily have a different purpose to the fully grown frog, yet each step on the path is necessary for the next. It is also worth noting that purpose is not necessarily a role, such as a job, but can simply be an expression of how we show up in the world, and the gifts we share with whoever happens to be around us. Our natal birth chart is a whole intricate map of just that!
That said, during these historical times of collective change, many people will be forced by outside influences, or will consciously choose to pivot from the trajectory their lives may have been on, particularly in terms of their career or vocation. More and more of us may therefore be asking ourselves ‘what is my life’s purpose?’ I include myself in this, (which admittedly for me has been a life-long quest), as I have recently chosen not to return to the safety and security of my permanent government department school teaching job of the last 18 years.
I now fully understand the psychology behind the phenomenon of ‘The Great Resignation’ that happened after the worldwide lockdowns in 2020. Until recently, the reasons behind this evaded me. Now I understand that once you get time and space away from a situation you realise was not truly right for your soul, whether as a vague sense of unfulfillment or complete dissatisfaction, it takes a lot more than the empty idea of a pay check to drag yourself back there!
Many people in 2020 began to recognise they were nothing more than a faceless cog in an exhausting, industrial wheel.
I notice the Millennial/Zoomer generations of the late 90s to early 00s, typically tend to be more focused on the value of living with purpose than perhaps other the older demographics. If they haven’t already however, those of Gen X (mid 60s-1980) or Gen Y (1980-mid 90s) will likely also be increasingly reassessing where their lives are going and if it’s working for them as they move into mid-life.
The mid-life (or increasingly common ‘quarter-life’) crises are often a symptom of our soul’s knowing that we’re off-track. By questioning ourselves, creating challenges or opportunities for a breakthrough, and purely having the intention to find it, we will often stumble back onto our soul’s path. Astrology gives us a wonderful map to help us understand and guide us through these.
All human beings will grapple with challenges and hit up against life initiation points at roughly similar ages (depending on our personal natal chart,) which we can map through astrological transits. The most notable and rare, include the following challenging ‘mid-life transits’:
the Saturn Return (ages 29 & 59, where life asks us to get serious with our long-term goals and act like an adult.) Eg. In my first one, like many others, I got married and bought my first house.
the Pluto Square (age somewhere between 37-45, where we’re forced, often unwillingly, into reclaiming more of our truth and who we really are.) Eg. Pluto showed up for me in the form of a work colleague that had a certain power over me initially, that ended up forcing me to become more empowered. There was a brutal death and rebirth in many parts of my life, including the ending of my ten-year marriage.
the Neptune Square (age 41 or 44, a time of confusion where a part of us completely dissolves to make way for a higher spiritual path.) Eg. Neptune has been going over my Midheaven this year, which has shown up taking extended leave from my 20+ year teaching career and ultimately deciding I want to leave the profession, which is bringing me to my soul’s work through my astrology work, women’s drumming circles, Qoya feminine movement and the creative joy of working with people.
the Uranus Opposition (around age 41-44 where shocking or unexpected events can ultimately bring us liberation and increased authenticity.) Eg. I will officially be going through mine next year, but it has been approaching over the last year or two and it is feeling like a deep and exciting desire to want to be authentically ALL of who I am, unapologetically!
the Chiron Return (age 50, where we must face our past wounding as a quest to claim our healing gifts and purpose, which will often then serve to help others.) Eg. Many people change their careers to be more soul-aligned, go through a healing crisis or find old wounding coming up to be seen and released. It’s often at this point in life that we begin to realise whatever are own core wounds are, it is by going deeper into our own that we can ultimately serve and help heal others. If we haven’t already, it’s here we will incidentally stumble onto finding our life’s true purpose.
In Part 2, I’ll talk more about this ‘second half’ of life and specific astrological signs to look for in your birth chart that will give more clues for this sometimes-elusive search for our life’s purpose. In the meantime, here is a playlist that I created during my Qoya Intensive teacher training in 2019 that awakens the soul’s deep knowing of when we are ‘on purpose’.
I’d love to hear if you’ve experienced of any of your mid-life transits so far and if they have changed the track your life path was on, illuminating more of your life’s purpose? Please share your comments and thoughts below!
PS. If you’re looking for more clarity on your life’s purpose and would like a personalised astrology reading, you can book here.